Today's Date --  June 2, 2006

Ann Carter Fleming, Certified Genealogist and Past President of the National Genealogical Society, will be the keynote speaker at the 26th annual conference of the Missouri State Genealogical Association (MoSGA). The conference will be held August 11th and 12th, 2006 in Columbia. In addition to her talk, “Your Genealogical Report Card”, Ms. Fleming will lead conference sessions on “Squeezing the Records Until They Talk”, “Organizing Your Game Plan”, and “Overlooked Sources Bring New Possibilities”.

Other sessions will cover mapping; hereditary societies, certificate programs, and lineage research projects; African-American research; the forgotten censuses; using databases; beginning genealogy; GEDCOM; Southern Claims Commission; placing your research on the web; and identifying railroads, their records and location.

Clay County Archives members who attended the conference last year found it to be a most worthwhile experience. For more information go to, contact Nancy Thomas by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call Tim Dollens, conference chair at (573) 657-7378 or (573) 886-9455. We also have a limited number of brochures at the Archives.